Here's a funny follow up to my last post. Last night I suggested to Chris that we do something fun today, like a take a trip to the zoo or go to a park. He hesitated and gave a non-committal response, so I asked why he didn't want to do that. He said we really needed to plant seeds for our garden. Then I chuckled. I said "when did you become such a time-A person?" And he said "I had to become one, because you are a type-Z person!" He said on days when I am really on fire I might make it to being a type-M. hmmm, I don't know whether to be proud of this or offended by it! But we did both get a good laugh out of it. So I guess you know why my blog posts aren't more regular!
I do want to update you to what has been growing in our garden, though. Iris Alison joined our family on March 8th. She weighed in at 8 lbs. 3 oz. and was 21 inches long, which is two more than Ella was! She's a great eater and an even better sleeper. She's a truly amazing baby. She looks a bit like Ella but is much farer. Ella always made funny faces with her eyes (still does actually), whereas Iris makes more funny faces with her mouth. She's a riot and we are thrilled. Ella also happens to be the proudest big sister I've ever seen. She tells people she has a baby that came from the hospital. And that she is Ella and that she is two. It's important to cover the key points with everyone. I am loving being on leave right now and never want it to end. I also am loving the weather. When I was home with Ella, who was born on March 24th, mind you, it was snowing my entire leave! It snowed in May that year! That is just wrong. It's great to get outside. And you can guess what Chris is doing right now--planting seeds in the garden. So no trip to the zoo today, but I did do the laundry and help clean up the place. And I also happen to have fed a little flower every couple hours, so I must have made it to at least type-S status today, right? No matter, just enjoy some pictures and the fact that I got them on this site at all! If you want to see more you can always check out our flickr site too. www.flickr.com/photos/moorewyse/
Happy gardening everyone!
pictures aren't working, just go to flickr and I'll work on it for later. sorry!