Friday, April 9, 2010

spring flowers

Here's a funny follow up to my last post. Last night I suggested to Chris that we do something fun today, like a take a trip to the zoo or go to a park. He hesitated and gave a non-committal response, so I asked why he didn't want to do that. He said we really needed to plant seeds for our garden. Then I chuckled. I said "when did you become such a time-A person?" And he said "I had to become one, because you are a type-Z person!" He said on days when I am really on fire I might make it to being a type-M. hmmm, I don't know whether to be proud of this or offended by it! But we did both get a good laugh out of it. So I guess you know why my blog posts aren't more regular!

I do want to update you to what has been growing in our garden, though. Iris Alison joined our family on March 8th. She weighed in at 8 lbs. 3 oz. and was 21 inches long, which is two more than Ella was! She's a great eater and an even better sleeper. She's a truly amazing baby. She looks a bit like Ella but is much farer. Ella always made funny faces with her eyes (still does actually), whereas Iris makes more funny faces with her mouth. She's a riot and we are thrilled. Ella also happens to be the proudest big sister I've ever seen. She tells people she has a baby that came from the hospital. And that she is Ella and that she is two. It's important to cover the key points with everyone. I am loving being on leave right now and never want it to end. I also am loving the weather. When I was home with Ella, who was born on March 24th, mind you, it was snowing my entire leave! It snowed in May that year! That is just wrong. It's great to get outside. And you can guess what Chris is doing right now--planting seeds in the garden. So no trip to the zoo today, but I did do the laundry and help clean up the place. And I also happen to have fed a little flower every couple hours, so I must have made it to at least type-S status today, right? No matter, just enjoy some pictures and the fact that I got them on this site at all! If you want to see more you can always check out our flickr site too.
Happy gardening everyone!

pictures aren't working, just go to flickr and I'll work on it for later. sorry!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

breech of contract

Here are a couple reasons that I am not a "type A" person: my house is most often messy, sometimes bordering on disaster; I love to do things spontaneously like making up recipes; I don't fold laundry well and I never iron.

I always wanted to fit the romantic image of a pregnant woman who glowed with admiration for her situation. I wanted to love the feelings of pregnancy, both physically and emotionally. Yet the truth is, with this pregnancy at least, I've generally found myself to be uncomfortable and out of sorts. Some of that was explained recently when we learned that this baby is not in the traditional head-down position, but rather a breech position. The rock hard little head is tucked up high in my rather short abdomen, pushing on my stomach, while the legs like to jab my bladder. The bulk of the baby's body is on my right side and the pressure on my right hip makes me walk like I need a hip replacement. Sooooooo, I am unbelievably pleased to announce that the birth of this sneaky little baby is right around the corner! We have a c-section scheduled for Monday, March 8th, and I can't wait. Since I've had a baby before I am not ignorant of how difficult the sleep deprivation will be, yet all I can think about is the fact that in 10 days I will get to meet and hold this little one. I worry a bit about how Ella will take this new Mama-attention-seeker, as well as the fact that my mobility will be limited for a while, but I know that she will be an incredible big sister and helper too. I can't believe how lucky Chris and I are. We'll keep you updated when we know just who we will be welcoming home with us in two weeks!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I used to think I was quite good at multi-tasking. I prided myself on the fact that I could create complicated meals by myself, with each dish finishing at the same time. I could carry on in-depth conversations while cooking, crafting, or cleaning. It all seemed easy--automatic almost. But there are certain things I simply cannot do at the same time as others. Reading for instance. Though I am one of the lucky people who can read in a moving car, I cannot read while there is a TV on, or music playing, or anything remotely interesting. I guess by that explanation if the thing on TV doesn't interest me at all I could probably pull it off, but don't expect equal absorption as when I am in a distraction-free reading environment. Here's another one: being pregnant. For starters I seem to be incapable of carrying on this blog while being pregnant. And I think it isn't just the pregnancy, but the fact that I am pregnant, and working, and taking care of another child (which is totally nothing big compared to a bajillion other people I know, but it's still bogging me down)! I had no idea how much harder being pregnant would be for me when I already had a baby. Some things just have to be experienced to be understood, and I think this is one of them. So, I am sorry that I absolutely suck at blogging right now. I am not the most regular of computer users as it is--I avoid email unless necessary, I don't have a Facebook page, I don't Twitter. But I do like to write, and to share, so I am genuinely sorry that I seem incapable of it right now. All I can say is thank you for sticking around--you get bonus points for just reading this because it means you haven't given up yet though I have even considered it! So, here's some stuff that's fun and new in my world...
--Baby Moore #2 is due in less than 8 weeks, and I can't wait until he/she is here. I seriously can't wait.
--Chris finished creating the most amazing crib ever for our new little one. It is made of maple and cherry woods and is by far the most valuable piece of furniture either of us has ever owned!
--Ella is singing, pointing out colors, talking about animals, and counting to ten (apart from five, which she refuses to say) constantly. She is endlessly busy--though equally entertaining.
--Hobart is fluffy and smelly and snorty, but still adorable.
We have so much to be grateful for and I have to keep reminding myself that it's okay that I am bad at being pregnant and doing all the other things I once did and still want to do because we get a baby out of the deal. It's so worth it. Anyway, I hope to be here more regularly in the future, so please don't abandon me yet! Cheers!
Here's that most gorgeous crib. I hope that the next time you see it there's someone in it! Preferably on top of a mattress as well.
Ella the entertainer and her many funny faces. This one includes some crackers squirreled away in those cheeky cheeks!
This one looks like a mug shot gone wrong!
And Chris put it best when he looked at Ella's expression in this photo and said "I'm Ron Burgundy?"
The hair-do might have added to that affect.
You stay classy San Diego!