Happy Holidays 2010
Wow, what a year. This has been the biggest, baddest (in a melodramatic 80's rock sort of way!) year ever for me. One year ago my dearest grandmother passed away, then there was the birth of baby numero dos, then my amazing grandpa died, I finished my fifth and final year teaching band in Edina, we packed our entire material life into a shipping container, and moved. To Australia. That's all.
Chris is doing great, already teaching in Australia and getting his reputation back on track here, though deeply missing the more relaxed dress code of teaching in our basement. Believe it or not, he's actually eating more sausages than ever, but is struggling to accept the fact that beer here is lame and scotch is expensive--thank goodness for Australian wine!
Ella is a character and a half. She's growing less shy, but is still deeply observant, particularly loving to watch a scene, then rely on her line "what was he/she thinking?!" She's after my own heart preferring to play in her toy kitchen more than anywhere else! She loves the beach, but insists upon wearing her sunglasses upside down at all times. And though she loves Australian animals in her books, she isn't too fond of the geckos that come into the house, and even hang out in her stroller! Her hair has finally grown enough that binders are nearly necessary, which might account for the fact that she looks less like Chris each day! At least she has his metabolism.
Iris, the born sleeper, who was comfortable in the world from day one, is suddenly feisty as ever. She is crawling and climbing everywhere and has thighs like her Mama (sorry kiddo)! Jeans are simply not an option for her unless we're trying to put her in a sort of straight jacket for her legs! She smiles more than any other baby I've known, and constantly laughs at Ella. She's a picky eater, but at least accepts avocado, the one food Ella has sternly refused to eat under all circumstances. Iris's favorite game is to put toy people in her mouth, head first, and leave them there while she plays. She's in love with water, and has spent her first October jumping into salty troughs at low tide instead of leaf piles in the front yard.
Hobart finally made it out of quarantine and was the hairiest he's ever been. After a shaky couple weeks he has resumed trusting us and started acting at home in his new home. He already has some new friends, but never fails to perk up at the sound of Chomsky on Skype!
We constantly miss Minnesota, but more than that, our dear friends and family who are still there. Please know that we may be far away in body, but are always there in spirit. The Sunny Coast will never replace the Land O' Lakes in our hearts, and no one there will be forgotten. We're only a plane ride away, or maybe a few plane rides, but you know what I mean! You are always welcome to visit--we love entertaining!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the support and love to help us get through this year intact. We hope you are having a warm and peaceful holiday season.
xoxo Emily, Chris, Ella, Iris, and Hobart
P.S. Sorry we couldn’t get our act together for pictures this year (you’re lucky you got a letter!) but if you're interested, feel free to check our flickr site for regular updates...